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New Publications from the Kate Sharpley Library

Posted on October 1st, 2008 in AK Allies

Kate Sharpley LibraryWell, “new” might not be the right word, since this announcement first made the rounds last June. But, since the Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library is usually published every six months or so, we still have a few months before the next installment.

More importantly, this gives us the opportunity to plug an incredibly valuable anarchist institution. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the Kate Sharpley Library was founded in 1979 and reorganized in 1991. The library itself contains over 10,000 English-language books, pamphlets and periodicals on anarchism (and many in other languages as well). They also publish books and pamphlets of their own, shedding light on lesser known aspects of anarchist history. And their website is a treasure trove of information: it contains an archive of every Bulletin they’ve published since the early 1990s, as well as numerous other online documents. Check them out, but be forewarned: You might wind up spending hours in front of your computer reading!

For a list of KSL publications available from AK Press, go here.

And here’s the official announcement:

Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library #54


* Beer And Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914 by Tom Goyens, reviewed by Ian Bone
* City Of Quartz by Mike Davis, reviewed by Paul Stott
* Bash the Rich: True-life Confessions of an Anarchist in the UK by Ian Bone, reviewed by Benjamin Franks
* Review of “My Revolutions” by Hari Kunzru and “Johnny Come Home” by Jake Arnott
* New pamphlets: Rebellious Spirit: Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa Anti-Draft Revolt of 1945 and Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación)
* Anarchists in the Gulag (call for translators)
* Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon, reviewed by John Barker
* The Making of the English Working Class by E.P. Thompson and Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global by Paul Mason, reviewed by John Patten
* Review of The Poetics of Anarchy: David Edelshtat’s Revolutionary Poetry by Ori Kritz

Individual subscriptions: UK: £3, Europe/RoW: £6/10euro
Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX

Individual subscriptions: USA: $5 Americas/RoW $10
Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704, USA

And Two New Publications from the KSL:

1. Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación).
Edited by Anna Key, translated by Paul Sharkey Kate Sharpley Library,
2007. 36 p. ISBN: 9781873605448


* The MIL (Movimiento Iberico de Liberacion): a short introduction
* Puig Antich and the MIL – Julien Dreux
* Some thoughts thirty years on from the Murder of Salvador Puig Antich – C. Sanz
* Leaflet left behind at some MIL hold-ups
* The 1973 Congress: Self-Dissolution of the Politico-Military Organisation known as the MIL
* Class War in Barcelona – Jean Barrot (aka Gilles Dauve) [extract]
* Who was Salvador Puig Antich?
* Salvador Puig Antich – Ferran Aisa
* Puig Antich in the maze – Mateo Rello
* The War Goes On… – Local Federation of Anarchist Groups (Barcelona)
* Puig Antich, 30 Years On – Javier Ortiz
* The Great Swindle: ‘This is not the tale of Salvador Puig Antich’

2. Rebellious Spirit. Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa Anti-Draft Revolt of 1945
Texts by Maria Occhipinti, Pippo Gurrierri, Letizia Giarratana, Franco Leggio and Stafano Fabbri
Edited by Paul Sharkey and Anna Key. Kate Sharpley Library, 2008. ISBN:9781873605592,  24 p.


* 1945, When The Sicilian People Declared “War On War” by Pippo Gurrieri
* No To The Draft!: Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa revolt of January 1945 by Meno Occhipinti
* Interview by Letizia Giarratana, Pippo Gurrieri, Meno Occhipinti
* The Benedictines by Maria Occhipinti [extract]
* Interview With Franco Leggio, Sicilian Anarchist And One Of The Ringleaders In The Ragusa Uprising Of January 1945 by Stefano Fabbri
* The Ragusa Massacre In 1921
* The Ancestry of Anarchist Antifascism in and around Ragusa
* The Life of An Anarchist: Franco Leggio by Pippo Gurrieri