Free Comrades Talk by Terence Kissack
Last July, AK author Terence Kissack gave a great presentation at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender Historical Society in San Francisco. It was based on his book, Free Comrades: Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States, 1895–1917. Terence, who used to be the Executive Director of GLBTHS, is a wonderful, engaging, and humorous speaker, and we’ve been eagerly waiting for his talk to become available online. You can check it out below: it’s an hour-long examination (in six parts) of the historical legacy of anarchists’ defense of the right to enter into same-sex partnerships free from social and governmental restraints. Afterwards, you should visit the GLBTHS web site and, if you’re in the bay area, stop by Passionate Struggle, an exhibit based on their extensive archives. Enjoy!