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Journal for the Study of Radicalism invites article submissions for a special issue on anarchism.

Posted on June 3rd, 2009 in Anarchist Publishers, Happenings

Hey, all you writers out there The Journal for the Study of Radicalism is soliciting pieces for an upcoming special issue on anarchism. It’d be swell if the articles were written, y’know, by actual anarchists. Get typing!


JSRJournal for the Study of Radicalism—invites article submissions for a special issue on anarchism. We particularly are interested in articles that analyze a particular individual, group, or current within the broader subject. We encourage articles on lesser known aspects of contemporary or historical manifestations of anarchism, as well as contested areas within anarchism. Topics might include black bloc tactics, the history of Fifth Estate, Green Anarchy, and other periodicals, conflicts between anarchist perspectives, violence and non-violence in anarchism, histories of anarchism, anarchist communities, or international aspects of contemporary anarchism. Generally speaking, the journal’s historical focus is from the early modern period to the present, and the geographic range is global, so we’d be interested in articles discussing groups or individuals whose influence is international, though this is not essential. JSR is an interdisciplinary journal, and we encourage articles from a range of disciplinary backgrounds. We are especially interested in articles that include some original fieldwork, for instance, interviews or use of archival sources.

Submissions should be 20–30 pages in length and conform to the Chicago Manual of Style with endnotes. Please include a one-paragraph abstract, and a brief author bio. Images for possible use in an article should be 300 dpi, and authors are responsible for requesting and receiving permission to reprint images for scholarly use. Send queries, proposals, and articles to The deadline for submitting completed articles is September 1, 2009, and we encourage early submission to facilitate the review process. See and for more information on the journal.

JSR—a print academic journal published by Michigan State University Press—is devoted to serious, scholarly exploration of the forms, representations, meanings, and historical influences of radical social movements. With sensitivity and openness to historical and cultural contexts of the term, we loosely define “radical,” as distinguished from “reformers,” to mean groups who seek revolutionary alternatives to hegemonic social and political institutions, and who use violent or non-violent means to bring about socio-political change.