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The Anarchist Café is on!

Posted on January 30th, 2010 in AK Allies, Happenings

Anarchist Café
Friday, March 12th 7-10 p.m.
225 Potrero Ave.(Between 15th and 16th Street) San Francisco
(Close to 9, 22, and 33 bus lines, closest BART 16th/Mission, followed by 15 min. walk or 22 bus down 16th St.)

The Anarchist Café is on!

The Anarchist Café will happen on Friday March 12th from 7-10pm, the night before the Anarchist Bookfair.

We will have food, coffee, tea and performances indoors and a covered hang out space outdoors. We are serving dinner until 9pm or until the food runs out, whichever comes first. As in past years, the cafe will happen at 225 Potrero Avenue in San Francisco. We are asking for a donation of $5-20 at the door, but no one will be turned away. The money will go to support political projects.

Please no drugs or alcohol. Note the earlier ending time, so don’t show up late and get disappointed.

If you are interested in volunteering at the café contact Mike at mikee1051[at] and include what you would like to do (make food, do dishes, or work the door) and the approximate times you can be available for.
Performers can email marcus [at]  Please include in your email a brief description of what you would like to do, for how long, your experience and any amplification needs, etc.

See you there!

A café collective

And another Anarchist Café.

Come create even more community. UA in the Bay will be hosting an Anarchist Café/ Brunch on Sunday February 21st, from 1-5pm at our new space at 154 7th St (near Civic Center BART) in San Francisco. We will have food, but feel free to bring some of your own. (we can not heat stuff there, also please bring your own dishes and utensils, since our capacity to wash dishes is minimal for now.) We will set up a play space for Kids. We are asking for a donation of $5-20 at the door, but no one will be turned away. The money will go to setting up our new space as a resource for our community.

Contact Cheyenne at ccc [at] if you are interested in performing and include what you would like to do, for how long, and any prop needs, etc.

Anarchist Café/ Brunch
Sunday February 21st, from 1-5pm
154 7th St (near Civic Center BART) in San Francisco