Anti-Authoritarian Popular Uprising in Honduras: A Discussion with Adrienne Pine
Last February, Adrienne Pine, author of Working Hard, Drinking Hard: On Violence and Survival in Honduras, gave talks at two illustrious Texan bookstores: Sedition Books and Monkeywrench Books. A recording was made at the latter and it was aired recently on KOOP in Austin—on Allan Campbell’s show, People United. Below is a description of the talk and, below that, the audio itself.
[Thanks to Allan for the work he did preparing the audio file and for letting us post it. And thanks to my friend Cale, formerly of Monkeywrench and currently of Sedition, for pointing me to it!]
Anti-Authoritarian Popular Uprising in Honduras: A Discussion with Adrienne Pine
While the Honduran military coup of June 28th, 2009 is not without historical precedent, the massive and ongoing Honduran resistance to it is. No one expected Hondurans to rise up as they have—daily and in the hundreds of thousands—in protest against a de facto government that can most accurately be described as fascist.
One of the most interesting elements of the Honduran resistance is its avidly non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian character, this despite a near-complete absence of self-consciously anti-authoritarian organizing within Honduran prior to the coup. In this talk, Adrienne Pine will discuss what we can learn from the Honduran experience and how we can act in solidarity with Hondurans, whose situation has only worsened with the institutionalization of the coup government through a U.S.-led fraudulent election.
And for your listening pleasure…