Ashley’s Adieu…
Today is my last day working at AK Press.
After spending the last several years answering the phone (“hello, AK Press”), learning all the best book-packing strategies so customers are impressed at how not-damaged everything is when it arrives (please tell me you are impressed!), tabling all kinds of events around North America, and, yes, collecting energy drinks from the corner store, it’s time for me to move on.
Naturally, I wanted to put something out there to say a bit about my experience here at AK and how thankful I am to have had this job and worked with so many amazing folks (both collective members and customers). But, a heartfelt and serious letter or essay seemed too stuffy and, let’s face it, anxiety provoking to produce. So instead I give you this not-as-serious (but no less heartfelt) comic, based on a beloved children’s book. My gift to you, AK and friends.
*To those unfamiliar with anything referenced above, I recommend you stop by the Oakland warehouse if ever you get the chance. The box pile and Durruti portrait will be waiting for you!
Also, if you want to keep in touch and see what I’m working on in the future (hint: one of the things I’m working on is a book—you haven’t seen the last of me, AK Press Distribution!!), you can “friend” me here.