The First Bay Area Anarchist Salon!
The First Bay Area Anarchist Salon! BE THERE!
When: August 11 · 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Station 40, 3030B 16th Street (at Mission), San Francisco | |
What: The Station 40 Events Committee is pleased to announce the first Bay Area Anarchist Salon, a new monthly facilitated conversation by and for anarchists. Our aim is to encourage critical yet constructive dialogue and comradely debate concerning the difficult strategic questions that we face as we try to engage in social transformation; to develop a culture of reconstruction and vision alongside a culture of resistance; and to bui…ld more trust and understanding among the diverse anarchist perspectives. Our hope is that through ongoing discussions related to contemporary organizing dilemmas–discussions that focus on ideas not people, and strive to develop a culture of kindness in how we grapple with key strategic issues–our various projects and organizing efforts, within and outside anarchist circles, will become stronger, smarter, and more effective.
The format each month will be as follows: we’ll announce a question for each Bay Area Anarchist Salon in advance. At the salon, we’ll do a go-round for people to quickly introduce themselves. Then one or two people, chosen in advance, will kick off the conversation by offering their thoughts on the question for five to ten minutes each. Two moderators will then facilitate a participatory conversation, striving to ensure that the discussion stays on point, and that everyone feels comfortable to speak, no one speaks too much, and all feel heard and respected. Each salon will last two hours, and we encourage folks to bring food and/or drink to share. Our first Bay Area Anarchist Salon will address the question, “What is an anarchist vision of justice in the current context of police violence in the Bay Area?” The conversation will be initiated by Josh (Station 40) and Melissa Merin (Oakland 100), and then facilitated by Cindy Milstein (Institute for Anarchist Studies) and Dan Spalding (most recently, Midnight Special Legal Collective). $3-5 donation, for the Oakland 100 to spring people from jail (no one turned away for lack of funds) Date for the second Bay Area Anarchist Salon: Wednesday, September 8. |