Eric Laursen on “The People’s Pension” – July 31 at Busboys & Poets, Washington DC @tfcbooks @busboysandpoets
ERIC LAURSEN, author of “The People’s Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan” (AK Press), will be speaking at Washington’s Busboys and Poets about his book and about the political challenges facing Social Security and the 213 million Americans who participate in it.
Social Security has been the centerpiece of one of the biggest public-policy debates in America, starting with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. In “The People’s Pension,” author Eric Laursen refocuses on the political struggle itself: the fight by millions of grassroots activists, organizers, the elderly and disabled to defend this crucial program against a well-funded campaign aiming to privatize it or phase it out. “The People’s Pension” offers not only the first comprehensive history of the contemporary Social Security wars, but an analysis of the real retirement crisis facing Americans and what’s needed to preserve and expand Social Security in the future.
ERIC LAURSEN is an independent journalist and author. He first began reporting Social Security more than 15 years ago as managing editor of Plan Sponsor, the leading monthly magazine for pension managers. Since then, he has written for a wide variety of publications including Institutional Investor, The Nation, The Village Voice, CFO, In These Times, and The AICPA Journal of Accountancy. He is co-author of Understanding the Crash (Soft Skull/Counterpoint, 2010).
This event is cosponsored by Campaign for America’s Future, the Economic Policy Institute, and the Strengthen Social Security Coalition.
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