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Eric Laursen of the People’s Pension at Tucson Festival of Books 10am

Posted on February 11th, 2013 in AK Authors!, Events

Eric Laursen author of The People’s Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan will be presenting his book at 3 events at the Tucson Festival of Books. This event will be a panel “Should Wall Street Control Social Security”.

Social Security, not for nothing do politicians call it the “third rail of American politics—touch it, and you die.” Yet a powerful, well-funded movement to phase out Social Security or even privatize it has been gathering strength since the election of Ronald Reagan. Each time it comes close to succeeding, it’s beaten back by a coalition of labor, grassroots organizers, and the elderly. Meanwhile, Social Security has only become more vital to retirees and their families as the federal and state governments slash other benefits and services—a trend that’s grown ever more troubling in recent years.

March 9th, 10am
Tuscan Festival of Books
University of Arizona, Tucson
Integrated Learning Center – Room 120