3/21: Cindy Milstein / TAKING SIDES @ Pop Up JUST Art (Chicago, IL)
This event is intended to spark critical dialogue, speaking from our own experiences, in our own places, around the questions raised in the new anthology Taking Sides: Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism. Such collective reflection is essential not only in helping to sustain the spirit of rebellion but also aiding it to claim some victories in the task of dismantling systemic violence, such as states, capitalism, and settler colonialism, or murderous policing, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and so much more. These events will grapple with the conundrums and beauty of revolutionary solidarity. How might it (better) shape our aims, strategies, and tactics given current grassroots resistance, uprisings, and solidarity projects locally and globally?
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BENJAMIN HART, Chicago-based author of the blog Radical Faggot, with writing featured in Taking Sides: Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism, as well as at Truthout, Salon Magazine, Socialist Worker and other education, abolitionist and feminist-based media.
MICHAEL STAUDENMAIER, author of Truth and Revolution: A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969–1986, a veteran of anarchist, anti-imperialist, and anti-fascist movements, and now a doctoral candidate in history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; currently residing in Chicago.
CINDY MILSTEIN, editor of Taking Sides: Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of Liberalism. Most recently she has been doing anti-cop organizing and fighting evictions, including her own, in San Francisco’s Mission, and is starting work on a related story-picture book on displacement and resistance to it, along with another edited collection titled Public Works of Grief: Unsettling Loss, Reinhabiting Humanity.
RSVP on Facebook here.