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Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” August 1st 7pm @Bluestockings

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in AK Authors!, Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
August 1st 7pm
172 Allen Street
New York, NY 10002

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 28th 7:30 @A-Space

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in AK Authors!, Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 28th 7:30pm
4722 Baltimore Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 25th 7pm @Redemmas

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in AK Authors!, Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 25th 7pm
Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse
800 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 24th 7pm @EmergenceCommunityArtsCollective

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in AK Authors!, Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 24th 7pm
Emergence Community Arts Collective
733 Euclid Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20001

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 19th 7pm @InternationalistBooks

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in AK Authors!, Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 19th 7pm
Internationalist Books
405 West Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 17th 6pm @FirestormCafe

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in Events

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 17th 6pm
Firestorm Cafe
48 Commerce Street
Ashville, NC 28801

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Javier Sethness-Castro on “Imperiled Life” July 16th Knoxville, TN @TheBirdHouse

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in Events, Uncategorized

Javier Sethness-Castro presents “Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe”
July 16th 6pm
The Birdhouse
800 N. Fourth Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917

Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster.

The fourth title in our Anarchist Intervention Series, co-published with the Institute for Anarchist Studies!

Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditions and promoting critical thought as a means of changing our historical trajectory.

Eric Laursen on “The People’s Pension” 7/27 @ Skidompha Public Library (Damariscotta, Maine)

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in Events

Social Security: not for nothing do politicians call it the “third rail of American politics—touch it, and you die.” Yet a powerful, well-funded movement to phase out Social Security or even privatize it has been gathering strength since the election of Ronald Reagan. Each time it comes close to succeeding, it’s beaten back by a coalition of labor, grassroots organizers, and the elderly. Meanwhile, Social Security has only become more vital to retirees and their families as the federal and state governments slash other benefits and services—a trend that’s grown ever more troubling in recent years.

The People’s Pension is both groundbreaking history and an eye-opening guide for anyone concerned about one of the biggest issues of our times. With 95 percent of Americans participating in the program either as beneficiaries or through their payroll tax contributions, Social Security is quite literally the glue that binds Americans together as a community. In a provocative epilogue, Laursen argues to democratize, not disable, the program, suggesting that the only solution for Social Security may be to de-link it from government altogether.

For more on the book, visit:

Eric Laursen is an independent financial and political journalist, activist, and commentator. He is co-author of Understanding the Crash (2010). and his work has appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The Nation, The Village Voice, Z Magazine, The Indypendent, and the Huffington Post. He lives in Buckland, Massachusetts.

Eric Laursen on “The People’s Pension” 7/26 @ Portland Public Library (Portland, Maine)

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in Events

Social Security: not for nothing do politicians call it the “third rail of American politics—touch it, and you die.” Yet a powerful, well-funded movement to phase out Social Security or even privatize it has been gathering strength since the election of Ronald Reagan. Each time it comes close to succeeding, it’s beaten back by a coalition of labor, grassroots organizers, and the elderly. Meanwhile, Social Security has only become more vital to retirees and their families as the federal and state governments slash other benefits and services—a trend that’s grown ever more troubling in recent years.

The People’s Pension is both groundbreaking history and an eye-opening guide for anyone concerned about one of the biggest issues of our times. With 95 percent of Americans participating in the program either as beneficiaries or through their payroll tax contributions, Social Security is quite literally the glue that binds Americans together as a community. In a provocative epilogue, Laursen argues to democratize, not disable, the program, suggesting that the only solution for Social Security may be to de-link it from government altogether.

For more on the book, visit:

Eric Laursen is an independent financial and political journalist, activist, and commentator. He is co-author of Understanding the Crash (2010). and his work has appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The Nation, The Village Voice, Z Magazine, The Indypendent, and the Huffington Post. He lives in Buckland, Massachusetts.

Eric Laursen on “The People’s Pension” 7/26 @ Freeport Community Library (Freeport, Maine)

Posted on July 16th, 2012 in Events

Social Security: not for nothing do politicians call it the “third rail of American politics—touch it, and you die.” Yet a powerful, well-funded movement to phase out Social Security or even privatize it has been gathering strength since the election of Ronald Reagan. Each time it comes close to succeeding, it’s beaten back by a coalition of labor, grassroots organizers, and the elderly. Meanwhile, Social Security has only become more vital to retirees and their families as the federal and state governments slash other benefits and services—a trend that’s grown ever more troubling in recent years.

The People’s Pension is both groundbreaking history and an eye-opening guide for anyone concerned about one of the biggest issues of our times. With 95 percent of Americans participating in the program either as beneficiaries or through their payroll tax contributions, Social Security is quite literally the glue that binds Americans together as a community. In a provocative epilogue, Laursen argues to democratize, not disable, the program, suggesting that the only solution for Social Security may be to de-link it from government altogether.

For more on the book, visit:

Eric Laursen is an independent financial and political journalist, activist, and commentator. He is co-author of Understanding the Crash (2010). and his work has appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The Nation, The Village Voice, Z Magazine, The Indypendent, and the Huffington Post. He lives in Buckland, Massachusetts.