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Revolution by the Book The AK Press Blog

10/16: Captive Genders @ QPIRG Concordia, Montreal

Posted on October 16th, 2015 in Events

Book launch for the second edition of Captive Genders!

with guests Ralowe T. Ampu, Toshio Meronek (contributors) and Eric Stanley (editor)

– Whisper translation available (English-French & French-English)
– Venue is wheelchair accessible*
– Childcare available on site
– Snacks will be served
*please call for details

About the book:

“Pathologized, terrorized, and confined, trans/gender non-conforming and queer folks have always struggled against the enormity of the prison industrial complex. The first collection of its kind, Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith bring together current and former prisoners, activists, and academics to offer new ways for understanding how race, gender, ability, and sexuality are lived under the crushing weight of captivity. Through a politic of gender self-determination, this collection argues that trans/queer liberation and prison abolition must be grown together. From rioting against police violence and critiquing hate crimes legislation to prisoners demanding access to HIV medications, and far beyond, Captive Genders is a challenge for us all to join the struggle.

Facebook event here:

Learn more about the book:

11/2: Captive Genders @ CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College

Posted on October 16th, 2015 in Events

Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex is a groundbreaking anthology of academic, activist, and personal narratives about the struggles of trans/gender non-conforming and queer folks against the enormity of the prison industrial complex.

Join us for a panel discussion with Eric Stanley, and contributors Che Gossett and Reina Gossett. Moderated by Diana Rickard, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at BMCC.

We expect a full house– please reserve a seat:

Learn more about the book:

Facebook event here:

10/22: Dawn Paley / Drug War Capitalism @ The Orphanage, Chicago

Posted on October 16th, 2015 in Events

Facebook event here:

Learn more about the book:

[Español abajo]
☞ Community forum with Dawn Paley, author of ‘Drug War Capitalism’.

-Dawn Paley investigates the US-imposed “Drug War” by centering the perspectives of communities in struggle. Her fascinating book demonstrates exactly how the “Drug War” operates as a form of state terror directed against indigenous, poor and organized peoples of the ‘Americas’. Using the pretense of fighting narco cartels, the United States has been experimenting with forms of social control that actually feed narco-violence in order to expand transnational capital southward.

-How is this linked with racist forms of social control within the US?

-What might “peace” look like in this expanding global war?

☞ Free Childcare
☞ Food potluck, bring a dish or appetizer if you can
☞ We regret this event is not wheelchair accesible and up 3 flights of stairs
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☞ Foro comunitario con Dawn Paley, autora del libro ‘El Capitalismo de la Guerra Anti-Narco.’

-Dawn Paley investiga la “Guerra Contra las Drogas” impuesta por los Estados Unidos Americanos centrando las perspectivas de comunidades en la lucha contra sus horrores. Su libro fascinante demuestra exactamente cómo la “Guerra Contra las Drogas ” funciona como una forma de terrorismo estatal dirigido contra los pueblos indígenas, los pobres y los pueblos auto organizados de las ‘Américas’. Usando el pretexto de la lucha contra los cárteles del narcotráfico, los Estados Unidos ha estado experimentando con formas de control social que realmente alimenta la narcoviolencia con el fin de amplificar y expandir el capital transnacional hacia el sur.

-¿Cómo se vincula la “Guerra Contra Las Drogas” con las formas racistas de control social dentro de los EE.UU.?

-¿Como podemos imaginar la “paz” bajo esta guerra que sigue expandiendo globalmente?

☞ Cuidado de Niñ@s Gratuito
☞ Comida comunitaria, traigan un platillo o aperativo para compartir
☞ Lamentablemente, el espacio no es accisble a traves de silla de ruedas- se tiene que subir 3 pisos de escaleras
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Ⓐ This is event is hosted by / Este evento es convocado por:
Semillas Autónomas – Seeds of Autonomy
Re-encontrando la resistencia y esparciendo la rebeldía – Gathering resistance and spreading rebellions Ⓐ

10/21: Dawn Paley / Drug War Capitalism @ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Posted on October 16th, 2015 in Events

A talk by Mexico-based journalist Dawn Paley who will speak about her recent book, Drug War Capitalism. Drug War Capitalism explores the intersections between neoliberal economics, the extractive industries, the war on drugs, and political violence in Latin America.

Facebook event here:

See the book here:

10/28: Jay Gillen / Educating for Insurgency @ UMBC, Baltimore

Posted on October 16th, 2015 in Events

Educating for Insurgency: Youth Organizing and the Baltimore Algebra Project

Jay Gillen and young people of The Baltimore Algebra Project will lead a discussion on ways students and adults in schools of poverty can see themselves as actors on the national stage, building towards insurgency from the “crawl space” of their classrooms.

Learn more about the book:

An Interview with Grace Lee Boggs

Posted on October 5th, 2015 in AK Allies, Current Events, Recommended Reading

“We need to recognize that we are at a very special time on the clock of the world when we need to make a huge leap forward in what it means to be a human being.”

As you have probably heard, Grace Lee Boggs died today. She was 100 years old. We were lucky enough to publish a great interview with her in Uses of a Whirlwind, edited by the Team Colors Collective. The interview was conducted by Stevie Peace and captures Grace in all her energetic glory. You can read it in PDF format here.

New Afterword to Dawn Paley’s DRUG WAR CAPITALISM

Posted on September 26th, 2015 in AK Book Excerpts, AK News

The good folks at Sur Plus in Mexico City will soon be publishing a Spanish edition of Drug War Capitalism. Dawn Paley has written a new afterword for the book, which brings the story up to date, including the many horrific events, massacres and disappearances, since we published her book. We’re sharing the English version of that Afterword here, because we all need more analysis from Dawn whenever we can get it. You can read it below in good ol’ html or download a PDF for reading here or a PDF for printing here. Oh and you can get our English edition of the book here.

Ayotzinapa, Paradigm of the War on Drugs in Mexico: New Afterword to Drug War Capitalism

Mexico one year after Ayotzinapa

“It is necessary that we take action now, because they are annihilating us. It is necessary that we do something.” Nadia Vera, social anthropologist, tortured and assassinated alongside journalist Rubén Espinosa, Alejandra Negrete, Yesenia Quiróz and Mile Virginia Martín on July 31, 2015, in Mexico City.[1]

In the year since we put the final touches on the manuscript for the English edition of Drug War Capitalism, the campaign of terror directed against the people of Mexico in the name of fighting drugs has continued. This essay will serve as the epilogue for the forthcoming Spanish edition of the book, and looks back over the 10 months since it was published.

As the first edition of Drug War Capitalism was in its last stages before printing, there were rumblings that the army had massacred 22 people in Tlatlaya, in Mexico State, in June, 2014. Initial media reports presented the killings as having taken place during a firefight, and the governor of Mexico State initially claimed the army had, in “legitimate self-defense, taken down the criminals.”[2] One witness, whose daughter was among the dead, later claimed that soldiers had in fact lined up 22 before executing them one by one. The eyewitness said she told the soldiers not to do it, not to kill those being interrogated. Their response, she said, was that “these dogs don’t deserve to live.”[3] The cover-up that ensued involved bureaucrats from various levels of government. It was only because of reporting by Esquire magazine and the work of local journalists in Mexico that the truth came out. Eight soldiers are believed to have been directly involved with the killings in Tlatlaya. Seven soldiers have been charged, three of them for murder.

After the emergence of the army’s role in slaughtering civilians in Tlatlaya came the disappearance of 43 students and the murder of three others in Iguala, Guerrero. On the night of September 26, 2014, six people were killed, three of them students at a nearby teacher-training college. One young man who was killed had his face pulled off and yanked down around his neck. Others were wounded and denied medical treatment. By the next day, 43 more students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers’ College of Ayotzinapa were missing. The students were last seen as they were arrested by municipal police, allegedly for participating in taking over buses to use for transportation to a march in Mexico City. The police handed off the students to a local paramilitary group that the media dubbed Guerreros Unidos (United Warriors). (more…)

Important and Unpleasant News From AK Press

Posted on September 25th, 2015 in Uncategorized

About six months ago, we started hearing some disturbing rumors that one of our authors, Michael Schmidt, was an undercover fascist. Soon after, another one of our authors, Alexander Reid Ross, provided us with actual evidence. We helped him investigate further for several weeks and then put him in touch with another writer. Over the past months, we have received and compiled what we consider to be incontrovertible evidence that Michael Schmidt is a white nationalist trying to infiltrate the anarchist movement.

Alexander will soon be publishing an article that presents all the details in a more comprehensive manner, but we are not comfortable sitting on this information any longer. We have always drawn strength from the history of anarchism as an internationalist movement concerned with the destruction of capitalism, the state, and hierarchal social relations. Those social relations clearly include racism and white supremacy. We are committed enemies of fascists and their sympathizers. The anarchist movement won’t tolerate their sick credo and, when they are found hiding in our midst, they must be dragged from the shadows.

We have cancelled Schmidt’s upcoming book and have put the two books of his that we’ve already published out of print. Please stay tuned for the whole story.

In Solidarity,

The AK Press Collective

Alexander Reid Ross can be reached at areidross[at]gmail[dot]com